Monday, March 2, 2009

The weather outside is frightful...

Colman throwing his first snowball, well more like dropping it.

Chelsea holding her first snowball.

Peach tree blossom in our backyard, taken by surprise.

This past weekend was a crazy weather weekend. Saturday started off early with tornado sirens a little after 7am. Several touched down in towns close to Auburn and 2 touched down in Auburn; one was just a few miles away from us! Cars were overturned and the roof was blown off a warehouse building. Thanks to God, no one was hurt. All this was occurring with a deluge of rain. The drainage easement that runs along our property is about 5 feet deep. It crested but did not overflow. Water did start coming into our garage since one of the street drains was overflowing or was clogged. So a river of water flowed down our driveway, around the house and down our backyard. Whew, we were nervous that we were going to have to evacuate. Once the rain subsided, the water quickly flowed on and receded. Then the sun came out and it was a pleasant day. A little friend, Jessica, came over for a playdate. Everyone enjoyed Gerber Puffs.

But that night, temperatures dropped and in the wee hours of the morning - we had snow! A lot of snow. It snowed most of the day, accumulating about 3-4 inches around us. Doug was thrilled, having grown up in Colorado and seeing snow every winter. We bundled the kids up and let them experience their first taste of snow. We did not actually let them eat it. Although Chelsea did stick out her tongue and caught a few flakes. She seemed to enjoy being outside and experiencing the snow. Colman was a little more reserved. He seems to be cold natured, like mom. But he did not cry; he just took it all in.

Then the babies took their naps, so the real kids could play. Mom and dad built a little snow people family. And afterwards, we were pooped. Our snow man making skills were a little rusty and we can't play like we used to...*sigh.

The next day, it all melted away. All that remained were a few mounds of snow where once stood a family and the memories of CnC's first snow day.

Drainage easement on our property is crested.


JC said...
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JC said...

I meant to say, I love your snow people family. So cute!!

Marcia said...

What a cute snow family - and beautiful real family! We can't wait to see you guys in just over a month!