The last weekend of Doug's spring break, we went up to Atlanta. Doug gave a seminar talk at Georgiat State University. He enjoyed the visit and a couple of GSU faculty took him to eat at a great thai restaurant. He was very happy.
We also got to spend lots of time with family and visit friends. We forgot to get the camera out. So a shout out goes to Sunny, Jennifer, Janet and Damon who met us at the mall for lunch. Carol is glad that her dear friends could finally meet the twins. We also met with Greg and Laurie and their sweet little girls. Keegan was very excited to show CnC her toys. She ran circles around them. And we got to see the Johnson's. It is amazing to see how much Jake has grown since the first time we saw him in the hospital as a newborn. He is a bright sweet boy that loves trucks and books. He is definately a mixture of mom and dad. It is fun seeing other kids about a year older than the twins to help us guage what we will be up against very soon. Whew, makes us tired just thinking about it.
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