Tuesday, March 10, 2009

On the move...

Chelsea and her first set of wheels
Chelsea doesn't keep her eyes on the road

This past weekend, since the kids turned 10 mos, we thought they were big enough and stable enough on their feet to introduce a couple of walkers. Chelsea of course took to it pretty quickly. She has been walking up and down the kitchen. Poor Colman has to be careful where he sits so that he does not become a victim of a hit and run.

He is a little more tentative about the walkers. But he will try it with a little help. He mostly likes to hold an adult's hand and walk all over the place. He is good at guiding you and letting you know where he wants you to go. Colman is more tentative and deliberate about new adventures. He has started to climb and crawl up on stuff. He likes to crawl up on mom's aerobic step or step up on low stools.

CnC are pretty quick little crawlers, so one can only imagine what life will be like when they are walking. I guess we are just gluttons for punishment...