Monday, February 23, 2009

Colman's feelin' hot, Hot, HOT

Have you seen my yogurt puff?

Colman is dressed up and ready for his dr's visit.

Apparently Chelsea was raving about how great medicine tastes because Colman decided he wanted to have some. On Friday night, he had a temperature of 102. Mom and Dad were pros now - alternate Tylenol and Ibuprofen. The next day, Colman was playing and eating fine though he still had a slight temperature. So it seemed simple enough, keep an eye on him and give him meds. He was not coughing or showing signs of pain. By Saturday evening, he had a temp of 104! We gave him Ibuprofen, but he continued to stay hot and cried a lot. We had scary visions of sitting in the ER with a crying baby. But the pediatrician's office does not refer you to the ER unless the temp hits 105.

The next day, his temp was 103, but after his afternoon nap, his temp was down to 96.7. So another fun weekend afternoon was spent hanging out in the doctor's office waiting room. The kids were great; they played and had fun while we waited.

Colman was not happy with the doctor probing him and checking him with the stethoscope, when he was not feeling well. In the end, he was diagnosed with an ear infection and put on antibiotics. Ironically, he does not like any of the medicines and cries through the process. Chelsea on the other hand really does like the medicine and is pretty good at eating from a syringe.