Sunday, March 29, 2009

Radio and Roadtrips

Chelsea has been enjoying the car walker. She likes the different dashboard options, especially the radio button. Every time the button is pushed, a different song starts to play or the weather is announced. It's always a sunny day! Now Chelsea likes to "scan the radio stations" til she randomly falls on one that she likes. Then she will get up and go "driving" ie push the walker. Sometimes when the song ends, she stops to start the music again, before she resumes walking. She knows you need good tunes for a carride. If someone says beep, beep, she will push the horn that also says beep, beep. Funny little girl.

She definately enjoys pushing buttons. She likes to push the TV On/Off button, though mom and dad constantly tell her not to. And she is learning to push the light switch down. Soon, she will learn how to push mom and dad's buttons!

Goofing around before bed

Fun with family and friends

Jake showed Chelsea how to use the EtchaSketch. She is definately looking right-handed.
Colman really liked Jedi, the Johnson's dog, who is great with babies.

Jedi did not lick Colman, just a sniff. He did lick Chelsea's face a couple of times. She was unphased.

Chelsea liked Halmuhnee's slippers...

... and sweater. Could pink be her favorite color?

Chelsea digs Uncle Michael.

The last weekend of Doug's spring break, we went up to Atlanta. Doug gave a seminar talk at Georgiat State University. He enjoyed the visit and a couple of GSU faculty took him to eat at a great thai restaurant. He was very happy.

We also got to spend lots of time with family and visit friends. We forgot to get the camera out. So a shout out goes to Sunny, Jennifer, Janet and Damon who met us at the mall for lunch. Carol is glad that her dear friends could finally meet the twins. We also met with Greg and Laurie and their sweet little girls. Keegan was very excited to show CnC her toys. She ran circles around them. And we got to see the Johnson's. It is amazing to see how much Jake has grown since the first time we saw him in the hospital as a newborn. He is a bright sweet boy that loves trucks and books. He is definately a mixture of mom and dad. It is fun seeing other kids about a year older than the twins to help us guage what we will be up against very soon. Whew, makes us tired just thinking about it.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

First Step?


Colman has been practicing standing on his own for the last couple of months. In the last few days, he has improved a lot. He can stand for several seconds. He stands best when he is focused on something else, like a toy or is crying about something.

Then today, on 3 separate occasions, while standing, he took a step toward something or someone. In the pictures above, notice the placement of his right foot in the before and after shot. Carol was trying to get a shot of him standing and he actually took a step. (He was a little unhappy because mom would not let him play with the camera.)

We're not sure if this is really his first step when he is far from walking, but it is definately a step in the right direction. Ha!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

On the move...

Chelsea and her first set of wheels
Chelsea doesn't keep her eyes on the road

This past weekend, since the kids turned 10 mos, we thought they were big enough and stable enough on their feet to introduce a couple of walkers. Chelsea of course took to it pretty quickly. She has been walking up and down the kitchen. Poor Colman has to be careful where he sits so that he does not become a victim of a hit and run.

He is a little more tentative about the walkers. But he will try it with a little help. He mostly likes to hold an adult's hand and walk all over the place. He is good at guiding you and letting you know where he wants you to go. Colman is more tentative and deliberate about new adventures. He has started to climb and crawl up on stuff. He likes to crawl up on mom's aerobic step or step up on low stools.

CnC are pretty quick little crawlers, so one can only imagine what life will be like when they are walking. I guess we are just gluttons for punishment...

Monday, March 2, 2009

The weather outside is frightful...

Colman throwing his first snowball, well more like dropping it.

Chelsea holding her first snowball.

Peach tree blossom in our backyard, taken by surprise.

This past weekend was a crazy weather weekend. Saturday started off early with tornado sirens a little after 7am. Several touched down in towns close to Auburn and 2 touched down in Auburn; one was just a few miles away from us! Cars were overturned and the roof was blown off a warehouse building. Thanks to God, no one was hurt. All this was occurring with a deluge of rain. The drainage easement that runs along our property is about 5 feet deep. It crested but did not overflow. Water did start coming into our garage since one of the street drains was overflowing or was clogged. So a river of water flowed down our driveway, around the house and down our backyard. Whew, we were nervous that we were going to have to evacuate. Once the rain subsided, the water quickly flowed on and receded. Then the sun came out and it was a pleasant day. A little friend, Jessica, came over for a playdate. Everyone enjoyed Gerber Puffs.

But that night, temperatures dropped and in the wee hours of the morning - we had snow! A lot of snow. It snowed most of the day, accumulating about 3-4 inches around us. Doug was thrilled, having grown up in Colorado and seeing snow every winter. We bundled the kids up and let them experience their first taste of snow. We did not actually let them eat it. Although Chelsea did stick out her tongue and caught a few flakes. She seemed to enjoy being outside and experiencing the snow. Colman was a little more reserved. He seems to be cold natured, like mom. But he did not cry; he just took it all in.

Then the babies took their naps, so the real kids could play. Mom and dad built a little snow people family. And afterwards, we were pooped. Our snow man making skills were a little rusty and we can't play like we used to...*sigh.

The next day, it all melted away. All that remained were a few mounds of snow where once stood a family and the memories of CnC's first snow day.

Drainage easement on our property is crested.