Colman can also roll. He started rolling onto his belly pretty frequently after Chelsea started. But neither have learned to roll from tummy to back. For Chelsea, she decided to just sleep on her stomach. Colman can't sleep on his stomach so he will fuss when he has rolled onto his tummy, which is usually at about 5:30am. We suspect he has always woken up early and just talked to himself until it was time to eat. But now, he rolls over and starts to cry because he is tired from holding up his head. He likes to sleep on his side, so when he moves his legs around, he flops over on his stomach.
So we have started rollover boot camp. We try to help them experience rolling from tummy to back. We try to make it a game where rolling onto their back is rewarded with tickling and praise. We'll let you know if boot camp is a success....
Also notice the great fauxhawk... and it was a good hair day.
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