Monday, September 15, 2008

Four month Check up

Colman and Chelsea had their 4 month checkup and were given a good bill of health as well as 4 vaccination shots. ouch. Having missed a nap and getting the shots, they were not happy. But a ride in their carseats put them right to sleep.
Latest stats
Colman - Length: 27 inches / Weight: 15 lbs, 2 ozs
Chelsea - Length: 26 inches / Weight: 13 lbs, 14 ozs
To commemorate turning 4 mos old, they have learned to roll over onto their bellies. The only problem is they haven't figured out how to roll onto their backs. Chelsea loves to roll over onto her tummy but gets frustrated when she is stuck there, especially at naptime or 3am! Colman has done it a few times, but he does not find it as interesting. Probably because it makes all the contents of his stomach come out. As if there could be anything left after a couple of burps and tidal waves of spit up. We go through a lot of bibs and burp cloths. We are looking forward to the 6 mos mark when it may stop. That is one trick we are looking forward to with the next milestone.