Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy Day

Yeah, Chelsea finally learned how to roll from tummy to back. She was on the floor while Carol was standing next to her. She rolled over and looked up at Carol as if to say - Look what I just did. She did it several more times, so we got it on film, but it is slooow downloading videos so I will try to post it on a later blog. She even did a couple of consecutive rolls and nearly came in range of Colman's kicking feet.
Chelsea is also getting very good with her hands. She is able to play with toys and move her hands slowly and deliberately, instead of swinging at stuff or grabbing, that is more Colman's speed right now. She likes to feel Doug's beard. She is so sweet and gentle, then she slyly and quickly grabs his eyeglasses. She will keep you on your toes.
Colman likes to blow raspberries with his mouth, which is supposed to help develop their oral muscles for speaking. He has started to sleep on his tummy if he is really tired. But we are looking forward to when he can rollover on his back so we feel safer about him sleeping on his tummy.
After a nap, I placed them in the crib together and they started smiling at one another. Too cute! Then Chelsea started pulling Colman's hair and poking him in the eye so they had to be separated. I hope that is not an indication of future interactions...