Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

For thanksgiving, we took the kids on a long road trip - 11 hours! We visited Doug's brother in Texas. The kids did great in the car ride. They would fuss right before it was time to eat, which they sometimes do at home too. The only challenge came in warming their bottles. So we had to stop to get a cup of hot water to warm the bottles in. We would just change their diaper at that point. Although the first time we waited til after they ate and ended up pulling onto a dirt road to change their diapers. You do what you have to do!

It was a fun time spent with family. In attendance were Doug's parents, Joanne's mother, her 2 sisters and nephew along with a couple of Joanne's friends. It was a full house. We chowed down almost a complete 20 lbs turkey with all the fixins.

Chelsea was battling diarhhea and diaper rash before the trip. It worsened during the trip; she started getting open sores. Poor little girl! We desperately searched the internet for tips and came across Triple Paste diaper rash creme, which many people recommended. We were also going to try Maalox, which works well when mixed with another diaper rash creme. But the Triple Paste worked like a charm. It got better almost overnight. Now it is the treatment of choice in the Goodwin home. I highly recommend it to all moms and would be moms.

So Thanksgiving 2008 was a great success. We are thankful for CnC, family, friends, good road trips and coming home.

Hanging with Grandma

Playing Nintendo with cousin Richard

Chelsea working the remote control

Dressed up for the road trip


Amanda said...

I can relate to trying to find a way to warm a bottle when you aren't at home. Jackson and Isaac never cared if their bottles were room temperature, but Joel is not a fan of cold bottles. Nursing is over for us because of problems I was having, but it sure was convenient that the milk was always the right temperature! Glad you all had a good time! We miss you!