Monday, December 22, 2008


Chelsea and Colman are wonderful presents that we will enjoy "unwrapping" for many years.

They are growing so quickly. We are constantly seeing them do new things. Parenting is so amazing to actually see a new skill develop right before your eyes.

As for what is going on in the present, Chelsea is learning to pull herself up. Carol was giving Chelsea a bath a week after Thanksgiving. (They take baths in the regular tub sitting in an inflatable duck tub.) While Carol was putting soap on the washcloth, Chelsea reached up and grabbed the frame of the shower door and started pulling herself up! Carol gently but quickly pushed her back down since she was sitting in water. Since then, Chelsea loves trying to pull herself up. We don't have a lot of things that she can pull herself up on, so she likes to grab your hands and try. She has even started showing signs of walking . She has started saying la la la la and ma ma ma. If we could only teach her to say fa la la la la, it would be just be as good as Merry Christmas. She it still army crawling, but looks close to getting the full crawl down. Look out!

Colman is always saying new sounds. His latest is an ng sound. He often sits and quietly talks to himself while playing with a toy. He has such a sweet spirit. He does get wound up and bursts out with a screech or a babble or sometimes just a grunt/growl. Colman LOVES to eat. He opens his mouth wide open and gets excited with each bite. They have a bottle 4 times a day and eat solids 3 times a day (with 2 of the bottle feedings). They are down to 2 naps a day - the solids have helped with that transition. We are slowly acclimating them to the harsh reality of a life without naps. As far as moving, just when we thought Colman was not at all interested in crawling, Carol walked in to get him up from a nap and found him on his hands and knees last Wednesday. Since then, he will occasionally get on his hands and knees for a brief moment and then goes back on his belly. He does like to walk when you hold his hands. But hopefully he will learn to crawl first, which at the current rate, might not be for a while.

By the way, for documentation purposes, they had their 6 mos checkup and all was well. Stats: Colman - 17 lbs even, 27.5 inches; Chelsea - 15lbs 15 ozs, 27inches. We think Colman's 4 mos length must be wrong, otherwise he only grew half an inch! Their method is not exactly scientific - while on paper, make a pencil mark at the head, straighten a leg and make another mark at the heal. Either way, they are growing and healthy and immunized.

We are looking forward to CnC's first Christmas!