This post is a little late, but better late than never, as the saying goes.
The kids scored adorable hand me down costumes from cousins Coco and Alex. Chelsea was Princess Leia and Colman was Yoda. When we tried the costumes on a few weeks before Halloween, the kids had a fun time laughing and pointing at each other.
We got a lot of wear out of the costumes. They were worn to their Preschool, where they paraded down the hall for the other classes; they were worn to the Montgomery Zoo Boo; which was a cold night so the fleece material and head gear were great; and they were worn to the Auburn city Halloween gathering. The weather was unusually warm - upper 60's and muggy. So we had to pull out a couple of summer onesies to wear under the costumes. The downtown area streets were closed off and vendors handed out candy. The streets filled with masquerading children, eager for free candy, while bands played music. A secret judge walking along the street, picked CnC out, or should I say, Leia and Yoda, to compete in the group costume contest. They placed....drumroll.... in second, out of 10 groups! They received a goody bag of Auburn paraphernalia. Aubie, the AU mascot was there as well. Chelsea had a blast standing in front of him and waving. Colman waved and wanted to move on. Yoda could sense the force was not with him, which might be why Auburn did not have a great football season.
The kids only got a couple of pieces of candy from Zoo Boo and a bag of candy from preschool, which mom and dad ate. I know, stealing candy from a baby. But for now, we are glad that Halloween is about the fun costumes and waving at people rather than candy.
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