In August, we took the kids to Navarre Beach for a mini family gathering. Doug's cousin, Melanie lives in FL with her husband, son and daughter. Her mother, Doug's Aunt Marcia, her sister, Amanda and her family, as well as Doug's brother Phil and his family rented a beach house for the week. We joined them for the weekend.
We had visions of CnC playing in the sand and holding them in the ocean water. None of that came to pass. They were freaked out by the ocean waves and didn't like the touch of sand. Ok. Well they will have lots of fun with their cousins...sort of. Colman cried a lot and wanted to be held most of the time, which is unusual because he normally likes to run around and find lots of little things to pick up and investigate. So Doug and Carol were a little bit shell shocked from the first beach trip for the kids.
But it was still great to see family. We were able to attend Nicole's birthday party. And everyone got to meet the 2008 babies in the family, CnC, Joel and Isaiah. Quite a productive year for the family.
I wish your trip hadn't been so rough, but I'm glad you came!! It was so good to see you and meet the twins. I'll bet in a few years they'll be running for the sand and water and you won't be able to stop them.
Awww, I love the pic of Chelsea and daddy with the hands on the "hips". Too cute!!! Definitely a scrapbook moment. :o)
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