Sunday, August 30, 2009

Great Northeast Sweep of 2009

We're back from the tour of the Northeast. In summary:
July 2 - we packed up the family minivan and drove up to Atl to spend the night
July 3 - Drove to Washington DC and spent the night in a hotel
July 4 - went to Carol's cousin, Margaret's house in NY
July 5 - Doug rented a car and drove up to NH to attend a biochemistry conference, while Carol and the twins stayed in NY for the week.
July 9 - Carol and twins drove up to Freedom NH where Doug's aunt and uncle have a house on Ossipee Lake. Doug joined us the next morning.
July 15 - We drove down to Philly to visit with Margaret's sister, Sandra.
July 18 - Drove straight to Atl
July 19 - returned home to Auburn. whew!

Traveling with two 14 month olds is challenging. They get antsy and you can't explain why they have to sit for so long. We learned the secret was to let them run around in the sun at rest stops to release some energy. We played a LOT of baby DVDs; they were on pretty much the whole trip. Baby DVDs were better than listening to them cry.

CnC did well in the carride and throughout the trip. They adjusted to flexible schedules and everyone commented that they were happy babies. Of course you do whatever is necessary to keep them from crying when on vacation. So they got to eat lots of Gerber Puffs and Cheerios (new favorite food).

When leaving DC, we noticed the trip mileage and temperature were all 7's across. Random, but we thought it was neat.