Carol's grandfather manufactured the only manual water pump in Korea prior to and during the Korean war. Carol's cousin found one in Korea so now it is a fountain in front of her uncle's house.
Carol's Uncle learning that 1 yr old twins are a handful

Carol grew up in Philadelphia. Several aunts and uncles still live there. So the kids got to meet lots of uncles and aunts and cousins. We stayed for a couple of days with Carol's cousin, Sandra and her husband Tony before the long trek to Atlanta. The house is a beautiful old english Tudor home with a big staircase that the kids enjoyed going up and down on. This was the first time we let the kids go up and down staircases. They did well - there were no tumbles or spills, though someone was always near by just in case.
We did make a trip into Center City to visit the Children's Please Touch Museum. Wow! The place was a kid's museum on crack AND steroids. It was amazing. The adults were much more into it than CnC.
Spaghetti before the merriment