Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Bye-bye bottle...

... Hello sippy cup!
The kids are exclusively drinking out of sippy cups. Hooray! There are things about baby-hood that we will miss, eg. gummy smiles, crawling, frequent naps. But we will not miss the bottles and formula. We used Avent bottles, which were great in growing with the kids - the nipples increased in the number of holes from 1,2,3 or 4. So we just increased holes as the kids got older. And Colman was always slower than Chelsea so we could keep Colman at one higher hole count than Chelsea so that they would finish around the same time. (Very helpful during those late night feedings that are happily a distant memory now.) So out of a 5 star rating, we would give Avent bottles a 4 rating. The one and very annoying draw back to them were that they would leak from under the rim, for no apparent reason, no matter how tightly we screwed on the cap. No matter - bye-bye bottles! They have served us well.

Sippy cup seems a little messier than bottles but we gotta get a milk moustache somehow, though it is more like a gotee right now.


Amanda said...

We use Avent bottles too and there is definitely a trick to getting them not to leak. It took me a little while to relearn this trick with Joel even though we used the same bottles with Jackson and Isaac. SO annoying when you are feeding in the night and suddenly realize that you are drenched in breast milk or formula!! They need to fix that!

Amanda said...

Oh, and congrats on being on sippy cups! Yeah for no more expensive formula and leaky bottles!

Rebecca Johnson said...

You should submit these for the Milk poster campaign. Clear winners. Such cuties!