Monday, February 23, 2009

Colman's feelin' hot, Hot, HOT

Have you seen my yogurt puff?

Colman is dressed up and ready for his dr's visit.

Apparently Chelsea was raving about how great medicine tastes because Colman decided he wanted to have some. On Friday night, he had a temperature of 102. Mom and Dad were pros now - alternate Tylenol and Ibuprofen. The next day, Colman was playing and eating fine though he still had a slight temperature. So it seemed simple enough, keep an eye on him and give him meds. He was not coughing or showing signs of pain. By Saturday evening, he had a temp of 104! We gave him Ibuprofen, but he continued to stay hot and cried a lot. We had scary visions of sitting in the ER with a crying baby. But the pediatrician's office does not refer you to the ER unless the temp hits 105.

The next day, his temp was 103, but after his afternoon nap, his temp was down to 96.7. So another fun weekend afternoon was spent hanging out in the doctor's office waiting room. The kids were great; they played and had fun while we waited.

Colman was not happy with the doctor probing him and checking him with the stethoscope, when he was not feeling well. In the end, he was diagnosed with an ear infection and put on antibiotics. Ironically, he does not like any of the medicines and cries through the process. Chelsea on the other hand really does like the medicine and is pretty good at eating from a syringe.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Chelsea comes in first & 9mos checkup

Chelsea, our first born (by 5 minutes), was the first to get a fever and ear infection and get the first dose of antibiotics.

Her fever reached 102.4 on Valentine's Day morning and she was coughing and had some raspy breathing. We had to shorten our trip to Atlanta, drove home and hung out at the Dr's office. Chelsea had been fighting a bad case of diarrhea all week and had had a fever of 101 the Sunday prior, but it seemed to go away. Friday night the fever started up again and did not go away, plus the coughing set in more persistently.

It was a little nerve wracking but we are glad it was something easily fixed. And hope that her immune system will be stronger for this experience.

Colman was so sweet at the Dr's office; he just sat in the stroller the whole time we waited and did not fuss at all. Of course he slept the whole 2 hour drive from Atl to Auburn. He did not get sick so Chelsea's illness was not contagious.

They had been at the office not too long ago for their 9mos checkup. Stats:
Colman - 19lbs 13ozs / 29.75 inches
Chelsea - 18lbs 6ozs / 28.5 inches (although she has lost about 0.5lb from the diarrhea)

And they got their second HepB shot since they did not start the series at birth.

Whew, that is enough for visits to the Dr's office until the big ONE.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A day in the life of CnC: not in any particular order

Going for a walk in the new jog stroller
One of CnC's favorite places to stand and play.
Chelsea gnaws on her crib. Perhaps she needs more fiber in her diet.
Partners in crime: throwing bibs on the floor
Colman goes deep sea diving
Trying out new ideas for Time out
Bed time ritual of cuddle time. Chelsea usually falls asleep.
Dad reads the bible to the kids.
Chelsea showing her new move to Colman
Any activity that allows them to stand is preferred
CnC have earned their stripes by skillfully scaling the playyard walls.
This is the messiest Colman gets when he eats.
This is the messiest Chelsea gets when she eats.

Colman makes a point

A normal infantile developmental skill is using the index finger. Colman often starts his investigations by pointing his left finger... always the left one. Perhaps he will be like mom and be a southpaw. Of course the right hand is preoccupied since he sucks his right thumb. That little thumb is in a constant state of looking shriveled. Even when he is not looking at something, that pudgy index finger is on the ready to point when needed.

Story Time

Carol has been giving the babies story time to help them enjoy looking at books and to learn to sit still in one place. But it is a little like jail since they have to sit in the bumbos. It is proving fruitful, Chelsea is starting to flip open the little peekaboo picture doors in one of the books with her index finger.

Chelsea's Baby Doll

For Christmas, Uncle Mike (Carol's brother) got Chelsea her first baby doll. We hope Chelsea will enjoy the doll for many years. We thought it would be fun for Chelsea when she is older to see how close she was in size to her bitty baby.

Self feeding

The kids are slowly learning to feed themselves. They have been able to hold their bottles for about 3 weeks now. Chelsea can even palm the bottle with one hand. What a great new found freedom for mom and dad.
The Gerber puffs took a little getting used to. We are not sure if it was the flavor or the texture they did not like at first, but they are big fans now of Peach and Sweet Potato. However, they are still not proficient at eating them on their own. They have gotten to the point where they bring a puff to to their mouths with their hands, but they don't know to let go of it so they end up pulling it away from their mouths. And then just throw it down. When you hold it in your hand for them to pick up, Colman just brings his mouth down to your hand to get the puff. Funny little guy.
We have also been showing them the joy of self feeding with a food mesh contraption. Chelsea loves it. She will chomp on it for a long time. Colman only chomps for a few minutes and throws it on the ground. We are mopping the floors pretty regularly.
So it will be a long road til they are true do it yourselfers, but that's ok if it means being our sweet babies for a little longer.