Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Colman is crawling

Colman can't wait til it is warm enough to play outside.

Colman likes to play with his crib toy instead of napping.

Colman has his game face on. Grrrr....
Colman is officially crawling today. Amazing what 24 hours can do in a baby's life. Yesterday, he would take a few strides and cry the whole time because it was too much work! But today, he and Chelsea were crawling all over the family room.
It has been a long month getting him down this road. He has been wanting to move since Christmas. He was slowly figuring out how to get from sitting to a crawling stance. Then he would flop on his belly and kick/flail. And eventually start whining because he was not getting any where. (Don't know where the line is from crying to whining, but my kids have definately crossed it.)
He loves when someone holds his hands to help him stand up and walk around the room. But who can do that all day? So whenever he would be sitting alone, he would get onto his hands and knees but drop on his belly. We would try to show him the movements of crawling by moving his arms and legs for him. He would just cry; he wanted to be walking. This slow process has lasted for a couple weeks.
Last week, he discovered he could go from his hands and knees to a sitting position. It was such a wonderful surprise to walk in and find him sitting up in his crib. Then this past Monday, as Carol was secretly video taping him playing in his crib, she caught him stand for the first time by himself. (I have been trying to figure out how to download a large MTS file onto the google website. I even tried to convert the file to an AVI file, but only the sound was converted. So due to technical difficulties, the video will be shown at a later date.)
There were so many times when he would be on his hands and knees and look like he was going to crawl and then flop on his belly. If someone was around, he would moan/cry because all he wanted was someone to help him up and walk. And he would smile as soon as he was standing. There has been a lot of whining over the last couple of weeks. So mom and dad are very happy that Colman can now crawl and feel independant.
We think he may try to walk soon. He likes to stand and not hold onto anything. But when he falls, he is a cryer so no rush there. For now, we will enjoy and celebrate his new found mobility.