Colman can't wait til it is warm enough to play outside.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Colman is crawling
Posted by The Goodwins at 4:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Give Chelsea a hand
Last Friday, Chelsea had a monumental day. She figured out how to shake a rattle to intentionally make noise and clap! (It truly is the little things we take for granted but is so exciting when done by your babies for the first time.)
She picked up a little rattle from the toy box in the afternoon and just started shaking it. She moved it from hand to hand, shook it again and then she looked at Carol with a big grin. That is one of the best parts of parenthood - seeing their faces light up when they discover something new. She beams every time she shakes it.
Then on Friday night, while mom and dad were getting ready for the bedtime ritual and with the Baby Einstein DVD playing, Chelsea was by herself for a few seconds. Doug and Carol both walked into the room, to see Chelsea sitting on the floor. She looked up and started clapping her hands. It did not register what she was doing, at first she looked like she was waving her arms around. But then we realized she was clapping them. We were so excited. She did it a couple more times that night. She does not do it often, but we were able to catch it on camera. We hope to catch the rattling soon as well. Check it out:
Posted by The Goodwins at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
Season of Change
Posted by The Goodwins at 8:17 PM 1 comments
New Years' Eve

Posted by The Goodwins at 8:02 PM 1 comments
Lights, Camera, Action!
In an effort to make adding videos to share an easier process, I have started placing videos on the Google video cloud. (I think that is the techy word for internet based server/sharing...or I just made it up and it will become the new buzz word.)
I have not added too much yet. But will try to keep adding more. I do wish the quality were better. I use a 10 mp camera or a high def video camera. Not sure if it is too much info so Google shrinks it down or the internet does. This is a bit out of my realm. So while I still have my dignity, here is the link:
Posted by The Goodwins at 2:05 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
Chelsea takes a stand
Posted by The Goodwins at 11:33 AM 1 comments