Monday, November 10, 2008

Big month for Doug

October has turned out to be a big month for Doug. In summary:
  • Doug turned 40 - woohoo
  • Doug's computer hard drive died - boohoo
  • Doug got a foosball table - yahoo
  • Doug was on a panel of reviewers for grant proposals submitted to a national funding group - big to-do

Turning 40 was a bit uneventful. We went to Atl to see one of Carol's cousins passing through.

As for the computer hard drive, nothing could be salvaged and all was lost. Did he have a backup... that's a good question. He does now! But God's grace was sufficient and Doug walked through it with strength and a sense of humor.

The foosball table is very nice and farely brand new. It was a big 40th birthday present. It was played once by the owner when he played with Doug. In college, when Doug was not studying, he was playing foosball with his friend Burnie, kind of like a PE class. They did not get credit, but they did get pretty good at "the sport."

Doug was also in Washington DC for 3 days the last week in October. It was an intense 3 days. He met with several other people to critique grant proposals. It was helpful information to be on the other side of the process and should prove handy for hisown future submissions.


Rebecca Johnson said...

Happy 40th, Doug! Celebrate all month long. Love, the Johnsons

TheTentMaker said...

Happy Birthday Doug, I wish we were geographically closer. My foosball skills could use a good workout. I actually loaned my table to my sister, where it is actually getting used! We'll take it back when the boys get a bit bigger.

I wanted to say, I appreciate your comments on my blog. I know people are reading, but your taking the time to comment ministers to me. Putting personal thoughts and processes out into the aether is un-nerving at times. Knowing that you are reading it makes me happy. It makes me feel a bit more connected to you (in an albeit virtual way).

You and family are in our thoughts and prayers. Expect a monster alphabet beel for Christmas! But, don't blame me if they get nightmares. I made the mistake of telling Jack a make believe story about a crocadile when he was Two. He woke up with bad dreams for several days.
