Saturday, June 7, 2008

Surviving the first month...

Hello All. It has been nearly one month since the twins were born. In light of that fact, I can't believe the following:

1) that mom, dad, and both children have actually survived the experience (so far),
2) that time has passed so quickly (it's really been a month, already!?)
3) that I have time to sit here and type out something like this.

At the moment, all the Goodwins are asleep, save me. I'm on call.

On reaching this momentous occasion, some thanks are due.

First to God our Father. You have poured out your grace with such abundance. You have granted us such a deep blessing in these two beautiful children. As much as anything we've ever experienced, it shows us that we are in constant need of your grace. We thank you so much for all that the Lord Jesus has purchased for us by being willing to go to the Cross.

Second to Grandma, who spent this entire first month here with us, pitching in wherever, however, and whenever it was needed. We cannot even begin to estimate the value of your selfless help over this first crucial month. Thank you for supply runs to Kroger, Target, Walmart, etc. Thank you for meals, clean laundry, a clean house, extra hands to hold/change/feed babies, soothing words for babies, encouraging words for mommy and daddy, and on and on. We also need to thank Grandpa for giving up Grandma for such a long time.

Third, thank you to all the folks who've been so generous with gifts, meals, phone calls and messages. Even though we've not been able to communicate much with the outside world of late, your love and kindness have been much appreciated.

And now, for most are really wanting to see... some pictures of the little ones.

Chelsea is on the left, and Colman is on the right.

Dad and Chelsea demonstrate the "sleep when they sleep" concept.

Colman demonstrates the use of the bouncer.

Chelsea being her usual cute self