Friday, December 11, 2009

Caw caw!

The kids are 19 mos old. Each milestone seems to promise growth and independance for our kids. As their physical development slows down (growth and movements), their cerebral growth will be more evident and monumental.

We have been teaching the kids baby sign language since about 10 mos, mainly the words more, milk, eat and all done. At about 12 mos, Chelsea started making the more sign. Soon after, she picked all done and milk. She also started saying mama. She started saying dada, but then stopped. When Doug would leave the room, she would yell out mama. So he started clarifying who was who. He would point to himself for dada and point to Chelsea as he said her name and the same for mama and Colman. About a month later, when we would ask her to say dada, she would point to herself. We were confused why she was doing this. After a couple of weeks, it dawned on us that Chelsea thought the "sign" for dada was pointing to herself. So when Doug would come home from work, Chelsea would squeal with delight and point to herself.

Chelsea also enjoyed reading the Baby's first Signs books. She wanted to read it often and soon learned the 10 signs, one of which was "hat". When Carol was taking some food out of the microwave, she said the food was hot. Chelsea started tapping her head, which is the sign for hat. Colman followed her example. And it has stuck, the sign for hat can also mean hot in the Goodwin house. We also instilled some manners into them by teaching the signs for please and thank you.
The next word that Chelsea learned was car. This is her favorite word. She says caw caw. She loves cars. She likes watching anything with wheels drive by. We see trucks and buses and lots of caws from our front and back windows.

She is quickly learning lots of words. She seems to speak the last syllable or letter of words. Guh guh is milk. (but she does the sign with it) Puh puh can be cup, poopy diaper, puppy dog, poddy. Tah tah is either Santa or guitar. Roh is zero. Chelsea has recently started saying her own name - Chesee or Cheshee or Cheh. She says Co co or udah for Colman/brother.

Colman did not show much interest in signing. He would only do the all done sign so he could get out of the high chair. Otherwise he often just cried when he wanted more food. Thank goodness he eventually learned the sign for more, shortly after our trip to the beach. He also learned please and thank you so he is quite the gentleman. He thinks the more sign will get him whatever he wants. Only problem is, that is all he knows how to say; he does not specify what he wants more of. So when we are playing he will do the more sign because he wants to watch a DVD. Or while eating, he will do the more sign with a plate full of food because he is ready to move onto fruit. (He would rather eat fruit than cookies.) Fortunately, he is a simple guy and most of the time he wants fruit. We try to teach him to say the fruit names, but everything comes out as dah!

Colman does babble a lot and Carol just loves his low husky voice. He may not be speaking as much as Chelsea, but he does show us that he is learning. We have been showing the kids a letter and number DVD. The videos are simple and repetitive. The numbers video is the favorite, but they will watch the letters, which teaches upper and lower case. Colman likes to watch the letters more than Chelsea. And it pays off. When we are looking through books or catalogues, Colman is quicker to point out letters than Chelsea. We suspect they know most of their upper and lower case letters and numbers from 0-10. Kids are like sponges at this age, so it is fun watching them learn new tricks. Carol calls this the puppy dog phase. When they do tricks but have limited verbal communication.

Though he does not say much, it is clear what Colman's passions are: fruit, cars and catalogues. He loves looking through catalogues and pointing to pictures he recognizes. When he is upset, a catalogue always calms him down. He of course, prefers toy catalogues, but will also look through magazines. And as a typical boy - he loves all things with wheels. He says go go and gaw gaw more than mama. He even likes pictures of cars and trucks. We have a second hand puzzle of transportation modes. Colman can play for long periods of time with the puzzle.

This is a long and verbose post. We hope to document these years for CnC to look back on and read. There are so many phases that kids go through. For now, they are happy with little plastics toy caws, but before we know it, they will want to borrow the gaw keys.

Halloween 2009

What did you say? I'm all ears.
Even a princess needs to take a break; it's hard work carrying around all that hair.

Yoda and OB1.

On the hayride at Zoo Boo.

No need for light sabers, when you've got really long sleeves.

Yoda is trying his mind tricks on Leia - Give me your candy.

This post is a little late, but better late than never, as the saying goes.

The kids scored adorable hand me down costumes from cousins Coco and Alex. Chelsea was Princess Leia and Colman was Yoda. When we tried the costumes on a few weeks before Halloween, the kids had a fun time laughing and pointing at each other.

We got a lot of wear out of the costumes. They were worn to their Preschool, where they paraded down the hall for the other classes; they were worn to the Montgomery Zoo Boo; which was a cold night so the fleece material and head gear were great; and they were worn to the Auburn city Halloween gathering. The weather was unusually warm - upper 60's and muggy. So we had to pull out a couple of summer onesies to wear under the costumes. The downtown area streets were closed off and vendors handed out candy. The streets filled with masquerading children, eager for free candy, while bands played music. A secret judge walking along the street, picked CnC out, or should I say, Leia and Yoda, to compete in the group costume contest. They placed....drumroll.... in second, out of 10 groups! They received a goody bag of Auburn paraphernalia. Aubie, the AU mascot was there as well. Chelsea had a blast standing in front of him and waving. Colman waved and wanted to move on. Yoda could sense the force was not with him, which might be why Auburn did not have a great football season.
The kids only got a couple of pieces of candy from Zoo Boo and a bag of candy from preschool, which mom and dad ate. I know, stealing candy from a baby. But for now, we are glad that Halloween is about the fun costumes and waving at people rather than candy.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pumpkin pickin' patch

We took the kids to a pumpkin patch near Auburn. It was a sunny warm day in early Oct so it was not totally autumn like, but the bright orange pumpkins added to the excitement of the new season.
We sat on hay stacks in a wagon drawn by a tractor to the pumpkin patches. There were stables with horses and goats. The kids had fun looking at the horses and sitting on top of an antique tractor. Colman was mesmerized by the tractor as it drove another wagon full of revelers down Jack O' Lantern lane.
Carol picked the pumpkins since they were sitting where they grew and there was a lot of vegetation as tall as CnC's knees. Maybe they will be up for picking their own pumpkins next year... while wearing boots.

Baby Boy to Little Boy

Carol finally broke down and gave Colman a haircut. It was done strategically after lunch so he had a fully belly and would be getting slightly sleepy before nap. Then pop in a Baby Einstein DVD and he was pretty chilled for the whole process. A few times he turned his head to see what mom was doing, but he did not fuss or cry. He did start to get a little antsy near the end, but most of the damage was done by then. So his little curls are gone. But a curly lock was retained for baby memorabilia.
He looks completely different without all that hair. Everything he does seems different - he is like another boy. The last leap to toddlerhood has been made. He truly looks like a little boy, but he'll always be Carol's baby boy.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Little Picassos

Here are a couple of CnC's first pieces of art. We're so proud of them. Colman seems to enjoy experimenting more with the paint, while Chelsea is more of a minimalist.

Colman's Ode to Apples 9.14.2009

This is the second painting they ever did. Colman seems to be experimenting with the impressionist brush stroke style.

Chelsea's Orchard 9.14.2009

Chelsea seemed more adventurous in the beginning with the broad strokes, but her later paintings show her moving toward a minimalist style.

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Beach

Joanna, Phil and Richard

In August, we took the kids to Navarre Beach for a mini family gathering. Doug's cousin, Melanie lives in FL with her husband, son and daughter. Her mother, Doug's Aunt Marcia, her sister, Amanda and her family, as well as Doug's brother Phil and his family rented a beach house for the week. We joined them for the weekend.
We had visions of CnC playing in the sand and holding them in the ocean water. None of that came to pass. They were freaked out by the ocean waves and didn't like the touch of sand. Ok. Well they will have lots of fun with their cousins...sort of. Colman cried a lot and wanted to be held most of the time, which is unusual because he normally likes to run around and find lots of little things to pick up and investigate. So Doug and Carol were a little bit shell shocked from the first beach trip for the kids.
But it was still great to see family. We were able to attend Nicole's birthday party. And everyone got to meet the 2008 babies in the family, CnC, Joel and Isaiah. Quite a productive year for the family.

Phil and Richard and the castle

Richard in the back, Isaac, Nicole, Jackson, Joel (white T-shirt), Isaiah

Carol hoped to have a nice family beach picture where everyone was coordinated...

But the kids were not interested in smiling for the camera.

Over the summer, Chelsea started walking around with her hands on her hips.

Dwayne's retirement from Air Force

Amanda remembering when she had to hold twin boys (Isaac and Jackson) as she held Colman and Joel

Staying in the shade so no one burns

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Visit to Philly

Carol's grandfather manufactured the only manual water pump in Korea prior to and during the Korean war. Carol's cousin found one in Korea so now it is a fountain in front of her uncle's house.
Carol grew up in Philadelphia. Several aunts and uncles still live there. So the kids got to meet lots of uncles and aunts and cousins. We stayed for a couple of days with Carol's cousin, Sandra and her husband Tony before the long trek to Atlanta. The house is a beautiful old english Tudor home with a big staircase that the kids enjoyed going up and down on. This was the first time we let the kids go up and down staircases. They did well - there were no tumbles or spills, though someone was always near by just in case.
Aunt Sandra making sure no little heads go tumbling down
Aunt Sandra and her mom try to for a nice photo... Colman was not working with the ladies

Carol's Uncle learning that 1 yr old twins are a handful
We did make a trip into Center City to visit the Children's Please Touch Museum. Wow! The place was a kid's museum on crack AND steroids. It was amazing. The adults were much more into it than CnC.

Colman - King of broken hearts (didn't like the cheesy picture idea)

There was a giant kitchen/grocery store. The food is plastic and probably "eaten" by hundreds of kids. Hmmm, swine flu on your bagel?

Spaghetti before the merriment