Friday, October 24, 2008

Exersaucer Fun

Thanks to Jake Johnson, we have gotten a lot of wonderful hand me down toys. One of them is the Exersaucer. The kids enjoy it and Chelsea has honed in her manual dexterity with it, but it wears her out. Colman thinks the toys taste good.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another fun weekend in the big city

We had another successful trip to Atlanta. There was much to celebrate. It was Doug and Hadabuhjee's birthdays and Aunt Sara was in town. She is Carol's cousin. Sara is driving cross country in an RV and moving to Hawaii. She is a cool Aunt. We are sad she will be so far away, but we are glad she got to meet the twins and of course, look forward to visiting in Hawaii!

Chelsea wore Haduhbujee out.

The kids did very well. We have changed their schedule to 2 long naps and one catnap a day. So they are used to being up longer and getting shorter naps, which allowed for more play time with everyone. And they are sleeping better in their carseats so a walk in the stroller helps lull them into a nap, which helped because we took them to a restaurant for the first time this weekend. Fortunately, we had our own room so the crying would be a little less bothersome. Both kids were in need of some sleep. Colman fell asleep with a ride in the stroller, but Chelsea was a little more strung out. She did fall asleep in mom's arms so Carol ate and held Chelsea at the same time. Mom's have to multi task.

We also got to have a short visit with Rebecca and Jake Johnson. Jake keeps the kids hooked up with toys and clothes for Colman. (We did not take the shirt off Jake's back. He was messy after lunch and in the process of being cleaned up.) In the picture, Jake is crying because Colman was sitting on his arm. Colman is no lightweight, so we don't blame Jake for being unhappy. Jake - Thanks for the toys and sorry about the arm!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Just for Dad

Doug is having a bad day; his whole hard drive died. So the kids wanted to say they love him. Chelsea is checking that her name is on there.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Got spitup?

In case you were wondering why Colman always has a bib on and a blanket under him, he is the spitup master. One may be covered with a towel, burp cloth and bib, but Colman manages to find the piece of unprotected fabric and leave his mark. Very few can claim they have held him and come out unscaithed. Look closely at the one of Colman in the bumbo, it is an action shot.
As for Chelsea, she is a drooler, so we leave the bib on for her as well.

Chelsea's smiles

These are the smiles that keep Daddy wrapped around her finger.